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Keep pushing…

Updated: Jul 2, 2020



I love Friday’s.  Friday ends my work week and starts my weekend.  Sometimes my week’s are so stressful for me that by the time Friday comes I feel like I have been hit by a Mack truck.  I fumble through most of the day, hitting the high “to-do’s” on my list, loving how other people rearrange my plans for the day, looking forward to the bell ringing so I can run up outta here!!!!  I want to go back home and go to bed – but I can’t.  I’m counted on to get things done both at work and at home so I keep going.  Yet, whose going to take care of me???

In the secret place of the Most High God I find rest for my soul.  My soul cries out “Girl, what are you doing?” and I most times respond, “I have to keep pushing.”  There are so many days – mostly Fridays when I want to just chill.  Clean my desk and CHILL.  But I can’t.  I can’t when I have the responsibility to push the most important things to the forefront and get them done, while my needs stay on the back burner.  This has me feeling a certain kind of way.  As I continue to push I am reminded again – In my weakness He is made strong – and somehow I just get a level of energy that allows me to continue on through my day.

Some of us are wired to complete high level projects, while others are not.  I understand the role that God has given me to the point that I can push past the pain of long nights, days, weeks and months hoping for my breakthrough to come soon.  Today is one of those days.  As I look back over my life reflecting on all of the accomplishments God has seen me through I thank Him for the PUSH.

P.U.S.H. – Pray until SOMETHING happens.

I live in this land…how about you?  Ever feel like you just are not going to make it one more day?  Is that day ever on Friday, or is Monday your day? (LOL Monday is mine most times too).  What steps do you put in place to ensure that you get things done that need to be done?  Do you have a weekly schedule that you have found that helps you successfully meet the duties that your life calls for?  I would definitely love to hear from you – help your girl out!!!

Here’s to Friday!!!  TGIF…what are your plans for the weekend?  How do you wrap up your week on Friday?  Take some time and think about how you PUSH through your hard weeks, moments and experiences in life.  Let’s take a minute and journal that thing…you know the drill – let’s Journal the Journey together!!!

Be blessed


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